Nordskoven Strand Camping Bornholm


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Google 398 8
Anmeldelser Notater
Nice place, unfortunately the sanitary facilities leave a lot to be desired. Unfortunately, they are getting old and should be renewed.
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I Google
22 september 2024
Nordskoven Camping is the right choice for us when we participate in the Bornholm Round Cycling Race. The location is perfect. In the middle of a forest, a fantastic spectacle unfolds. Small red cabins between the trees with a view to various tent camps of oriental origin. Small campfires where you can enjoy yourself. By the bathrooms and toilets there is the most beautiful oasis with tents and a stage where music and other performances are performed. A large fire pit and a bar with its own beers welcome you. The host couple embraces broadly, both professionally and personally. A place where you involuntarily think: Of course I will come again. Don't forget the sublime beach and sunset. Peace, quiet, shavings and the smell of a cozy fire. From the old Woodmaker.
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I Google
29 august 2024
Nice campsite, access to a very beautiful sandy beach, many leisure activities and cozy resting places.
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I Google
27 august 2024
Perfectly situated for the morning ferry waiting tomorrow Very nice, cyclist-friendly service
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22 august 2024
Clean sanitary facilities, but old. Friendly staff, nice music evenings on the weekend, which end early, do not disturb sleep. Great terrains for dog jogging.
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I Google
20 august 2024
If you really like camping, not a lot of marked plots but a little more free, this is a fantastic campsite with hiking trails, bike trails and Rönne within walking distance. There were also barbecue facilities at all times when you could light your own fire. The owner works to ensure that everyone is comfortable.
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I Google
20 august 2024
A quite excellent place, with a cozy courtyard and reasonable hygienic facilities
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28 juli 2024
Fantastic forest area and delicious beach, pleasant camping with live music
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I Google
26 juli 2024
Completely unique place with the world's best hosts!
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I Google
23 juli 2024
A great CP. No plots. You stand wherever you want. Rustic reception with home-baked rolls in the morning and fresh coffee. The sanitary facilities are very clean and, above all, really spacious. There is a large barbecue area with gas grills and a smoker. There are also fire pits on site
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I Google
22 maj 2024

Lignende restauranter i Bornholm



15/09/2024: Vidunderlig udsigt og super dejlig betjening. Mht maden havde vi høje forventninger, hvilket måske er derfor vi er lidt skuffede over besøget. Portionerne er små og priserne høje. Fisken (lille stykke fisk) var overtilberedt og der var ikke ret meget tilbehør. Havde kvaliteten af maden været højere havde prisen passet fint. Men det var ikke det på det høje niveau vi havde forventet, dog heller ikke dårligt. Blot udemærket gennemsnitlig mad. Men vi havde en dejlig aften.
11/09/2024: Super lækker mad. Vi blev rykket frem på en vindues plads. Super betjening og virkelig lækker mad Helt sikkert et sted vi kommer tilbage til og vil gerne bo på hotellet næste gang


11/01/2025: The cafe is decorated like a living room with old-fashioned furniture, Bornholm proverbs and shelves with trinkets. Service was friendly with reasonable prices. You get a 25 percent discount if you are a member of Äldresagen.
09/09/2024: Very attentive, ..the nachos are super delicious 😋

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