Skoemagerkroen Danmarks ældste kgl. privilegerede post- og diligencekro Holbæk


Basado en 436 opiniones encontradas en 2 webs



Af det 233
hos Holbæk

Gæsterne kommenterer deres retter af...

Score og anmeldelser

Smørrebrød in absolute top class. Have had lunch several times and dinner a few times as well as getting food out of the house for years at Christmas and New Year. It is excellent food and nothing beats a lunch in the cozy inn - it should be sitting under the parasols out on the terrace and enjoying the green hilly landscape while enjoying the wonderful, well-prepared food, the majority of which are local ingredients. The fish fillet is outstanding, the chicken salad so delicious and the roast beef tender and tasty. The tartare is a bit small in size - it just tasted better with pickled mushrooms. It's pricy - but it's worth all the money - both food and service and atmosphere on site.
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I Google
16 juli 2024
The food is top notch and the service was also top notch.
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I Google
27 juni 2024
St. Hans evening at the Shoemaker's Inn 😋 A very delicious fixed menu, and both wine and serving played 110% Will definitely come again.
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I Google
25 juni 2024
Totally delicious place. The food was absolutely fantastic and the service top notch. Would highly recommend this place. We were at the confirmation and it was a wonderful experience
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I Google
29 maj 2024
Vi havde reserveret bord til frokost, vi blev hurtigt vist hen til bordet. Bordet var dæket med glas og servietter, så der var styr på vores reservation. Tjeneren kom hurtigt med menukort og spurgte, om vi ville have vand. Det kom også hurtigt. Så gik det desværre ned af bakke med betjeningen. Der er ikke meget at vælge imellem til frokost, så vi besluttede hurtigt, hvad vi ville spise. Efter 20 min. gik vi ud for at finde en tjener. Efter yderligere et par minutter kom tjeneren. Efter en rum tid kom første servering. Her måtte vi efterlyse bestik, da vi ikke havde lyst at spise med fingrene. Maden er meget lækker, veltilberedt og høj kvalitet. Anden servering kom efter passende ventetid. Vi bestilte efterfølgende kaffe og te samt æblekage til nogle. Dette var også godt. Skoemagerkroen er ikke billig, men jeg er villig til at betale for en god oplevelse. Dog må jeg sige, at priserne er noget for høje i forhold til den samlede oplevelse. Betjeningen haltede simpelthen for meget til at det kan opveje de opskruede priser på især drikkevarer, som ligger ca. 20 kr. over andre steder for kaffe/te og sodavand.
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I TripAdvisor
27 maj 2024
Such delicious food, and good service 🥰❤️
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I Google
19 maj 2024
Really nice experience. We would love to come again.
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I Google
15 maj 2024
Lovely confirmation party at Skomagerkroen...
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I Google
10 maj 2024
Really delicious tapas and beautiful surroundings
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I Google
03 maj 2024
Vi var to par, der i den hyggelige krostue fik nogle velsmagende og veltilberedte stykker smørrebrød tilberedt af fortrinlige råvarer.
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I TripAdvisor
20 marts 2024

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Habesha Restaurant

10/06/2024: It was an excellent experience to visit this well maintained restaurant. The service was top class, and the staff were both attentive and accommodating. The atmosphere was wonderful, with an inviting and stylish decor that created a comfortable setting for dinner. Unfortunately, the food did not quite live up to my expectations. The flavors were perhaps too new and different for my taste buds and I found the dishes less appealing. However, this may be a personal preference as the dishes were well presented and clearly made with care. Despite this, it was a pleasure to visit the restaurant. The overall experience, from the first class service to the lovely atmosphere, made it all worth it. I appreciate the opportunity to try something new and would recommend the place to those who want to explore different gastronomic experiences.
02/06/2024: Super delicious food and good service. We had a really good experience and can warmly recommend the place. Thanks to Henning and the whole team 👍

Cafe Svanen

08/06/2024: Decent, but nothing special. But nice and proper place.
08/06/2024: Take away Smørrebrød super nice pieces uhm

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