De bedste restauranter køkken pizza og pasta i Midtjylland
39 restauranter i GastroRanking
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2473 Anmeldelser |
Aarhus, <20kr.
19/02/2025: Absolutely fantastic pizzas and lovely atmosphere. Service always good and smiling, and always feel welcome.
16/02/2025: Super delicious pizzas. Fast operation. Really nice place for families with small children. At least for early dinner, which is what we were there for.
918 Anmeldelser |
Holstebro, >100kr.
24/03/2025: Smagen kan man ikke sætte en finger på men deres frokost retter er af beskedne størrelser. Måske er argumentet at sulten til frokost ikke er så stor 😉
09/02/2025: Lovely surroundings and good food👍
1850 Anmeldelser |
19/02/2025: Delicious pizza, ok service. All in all good.
13/02/2025: For inexplicable reasons, my review is blocked. I try again.
My third visit to Sprød. Ordered a gourmet pizza for DKK 140. It did not live up to either the price or the description and was significantly worse than when I last had the same pizza. If you don't have the raw materials, then at least give us the opportunity to choose something else. The service (from the owner?) was conspicuously indifferent with no eye contact or smile. We had to wait a long time for the drinks, despite the fact that the restaurant was 1/3 full.
We had an elderly lady with us who walks with a walker, and the waiter made an effort not to hold the door for her (which he himself went out of). The food and especially your manners were below par today. Will choose another place next time I have lunch in Holstebro.
115 Anmeldelser |
31/01/2025: Me and my friend had DKK 100 that we could share here at Cornor, we could only afford a pizza and no soda, so the man behind the counter said we didn't have to pay for the two sodas. And the food tastes fantastic. Very good service.
31/01/2025: A very nice man standing at the till gave us a free soft drink because we didn't have enough money. And the food tastes great. And it's very cheap, the atmosphere is phenomenal, can highly recommend
2374 Anmeldelser |
Aarhus, 30-45kr.
06/03/2025: La comida aquí siempre es genial. Pero esta vez, el salmón que pedí estaba seco. Siempre me siento mal por enviar comida de vuelta, pero nuestro camarero manejó la situación con gracia y aplomo. Tengo un plato nuevo, y fue una gran experiencia.
01/03/2025: Jeg fik en rå kartoffelpizza og min kæreste fik uspiselig carpaccio med sener. Efter vi gjorde opmærksomme på det, fik jeg en ny røvsyg kartoffelpizza, som dog var bagt en smule mere, og min kæreste bestilte en ny ret, som var "sprøde" kyllingestykker med noget kold salat under. Hun nåede heldigvis ikke at tage en bid, før hun så, at kyllingen var blodig og rå indeni. En ting er at maden kan være kedelig og middelmådig, men når den er rå og decideret sundhedsskadelig, så er det under lavmålet. Kokken burde i det mindste komme ud og stå til ansvar for hans makværk.
God weekend :)
183 Anmeldelser |
Engesvang Pizza
28/02/2025: Jeg kan ikke så godt spise pizza fra andre steder af, da de ikke måler sig med pizzaerne fra Engesvang pizzaria især salatpizzaen.
11/02/2025: Long review so read the whole thing.
Many years ago, one busy day, an inexperienced pizza take out of the oven, he doesn't know exactly what to do with the shovel, puts it on the rubber mat on the floor. I reprimanded it while there were other customers, only to be asked on a subsequent visit if I have a hygiene course, it was then a special mat for this..
Also a few years ago, I buy pizzas and ask for a receipt, on the receipt it says 3 x Chicago but it was not what was ordered, I got a real pizza, but when I ask why they don't write the right pizza on the receipt, I was met with resistance.
Then I have a couple of times ordered Hoof Durum and pizza with garlic but also had chili on it, the last time I had specifically asked for only garlic no chili, but when I get home I see there is chili on, call and complain and have to deny that she has said garlic and chili which I have confirmed, she always did, but I clearly remember the conversation and this was straight up a lie hence now this review.
The hygiene is fine now, but for God's sake check your food before you leave!
62 Anmeldelser |
Alo Pizza
Aarhus, <20kr.
07/03/2025: Best pizza in town and such a good price!
Also very quick and the man working is very nice
31/01/2025: Best pizza in the area at a good price! Always buy from here :)
288 Anmeldelser |
07/03/2025: Have eaten here several times since the move, everything has been mostly good, but today the food, service and atmosphere were below average. It was cold in the restaurant, the food was not heated through, lacked flavoring.
06/03/2025: Was busier than they could handle, got extra pizza for the wait, just a shame I didn't get the one I actually ordered?
237 Anmeldelser |
Marselis Pizzeria
12/11/2024: Best pizza in Aarhus! As a meat lover enjoyer, their USA style meat lover pizza is the best there is.
P. S. Awesome staff
04/10/2024: Pleasant experience with friends.
Marselis Pizzaria makes good pizza and great service and homemade dressing, they always use fresh ingredients and can recommend it to anyone who wants a good pizza in Aarhus. they place great value on customer service and a pleasant atmosphere.
#burger #pizza #byen #minby #dinner #disco #iloveaarhus #ilovepizza #offers #visitaarhus #touristinformation #cheap #8000 #8000Aarhus #halloween #mitaarhus #mit #pizzerias
164 Anmeldelser |
Peach Pit
02/02/2025: They serve probably the best pizza that i’ve had in my life. And its at a very good price aswell. They also have good kebab
03/11/2024: Delicious food, a normal pizza fine and ok
278 Anmeldelser |
05/01/2025: Super delicious authentic Italian food 🇮🇹🍝🛵❤
28/12/2024: Real Italian pizza.
Cozy little restaurant, if there were seats it would probably be 5 stars.
Tasty pizzas.
Delicious tiramisu.
Reasonable prices.
There are both gluten-free and lactose-free ingredients.
Can be highly recommended.
687 Anmeldelser |
Restaurant Panorama
26/10/2024: Food is good, there is no possibility of reserving a table with a view of the fjord.
07/10/2024: Excellent pizza with plenty of toppings
412 Anmeldelser |
10/03/2025: Amazing pizza! For vegetarians they had a Margherita, a mushroom pizza and a potato pizza. Some more vegetarian options would be nice but the pizzas we did eat were great!
07/03/2025: Dårlig oplevelse hos Frankies Pizza på Mejlgade – skuffende service og manglende kompensation
Vi var et selskab på 16 personer til en fødselsdagsfejring hos Frankies Pizza på Mejlgade den 28. februar og havde booket deres All You Can Eat & Drink-koncept i to timer. Desværre var oplevelsen langt fra, hvad vi havde forventet.
For det første tog det 40 minutter fra vi ankom, før vi fik de første kander med drikkevarer på bordet – og først derefter begyndte de at servere maden. Det betød, at vi allerede havde mistet en stor del af den tid, vi havde betalt for. De første pizzaer, der kom, var alle de samme, hvilket gjorde udvalget ensformigt. Drinksene smagte primært af vand, hvilket fik os til at spekulere på, om der overhovedet var alkohol i.
Det største problem var dog, at vi ikke blev kompenseret korrekt. På trods af den lange ventetid fik vi kun én time til at spise og drikke, hvilket strider imod konceptet, vi havde betalt for. Vi påpegede det over for personalet, men det virkede ikke til, at de havde tid eller overskud til at håndtere situationen.
Generelt virkede det som om, at restauranten havde for travlt til at tage sig ordentligt af os, og hele konceptet faldt fra hinanden. Havde vi fået en fair kompensation eller blot en bedre håndtering af situationen, kunne det måske have trukket op – men desværre var det ikke tilfældet.
Alt i alt en meget skuffende oplevelse, som vi ikke kan anbefale. Hvis man reklamerer med et tidsbegrænset All You Can Eat & Drink-koncept, så bør det også fungere i praksis – og ikke resultere i, at gæsterne får halvdelen af den tid, de har betalt for.
770 Anmeldelser |
Aarhus, <20kr.
06/03/2025: They couldn't cook 75% of the food on their menu. What we ordered also had to be abandoned. But eventually we found a dish they could make.
14/02/2025: We went to Martino for me DinnerDays and had a five course meal. The three first courses were great, the main was okay, and the dessert was not good.