Aroma Fanø


Basado en 411 opiniones encontradas en 2 webs



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hos Fanø

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Anmeldelser Notater
Google 303 9.2
Anmeldelser Notater
TripAdvisor 118 8
Very nice restaurant, very nice, friendly staff. With the help of the boss, I ordered pesto with mushrooms without meat (the German menu is probably still being worked on?). Very tasty seasoned. The beer is brewed in-house and is a matter of taste. Anyone who speaks Danish is in good hands here.
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I Google
22 august 2024
Very, very good! Wonderful place with very tasty and fresh food! Good selection of wines and home-brewed beer. I haven't eaten so well in a long time. Very friendly staff. Dog and kid friendly! A visit is worth it. The ambience is excellent both indoors and outdoors.
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I Google
21 august 2024
Excellent food, good ingredients, perfectly composed and at prices that must be said to be more than reasonable. The service was - also - top notch. A nice August 1 in Nordby💕
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I Google
02 august 2024
Super exciting food in good surroundings. The only thing you can put your finger on is the level of service, which, to put it mildly, is reminiscent of what you find at Østerbro.
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I Google
28 juli 2024
Cozy place with tasty food at absolutely reasonable prices. We got 4 different dishes that everyone was satisfied with. Organic beer from our own brewery which is definitely worth tasting. Good service with fast operation. Try them!
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I Google
26 juli 2024
Friendly and good service. We ordered ravioli and pasta pesto. The ravioli was very tasty, but the minced beef that was sprinkled on top of the ravioli seemed dry and unimportant to the dish. The pasta pesto dish tasted lovely. An exciting detail with beer from our own brewery.
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I Google
23 juli 2024
På vores ferie på Fanø, valgte vi at spise aftensmad på Aroma. Hyggeligt sted, og med eget bryggeri. Vi valgte at bestille deres Pasta Seafood, med en af deres egne øl, en sommer hvede. Tænker der har værete rigtig travlt, da det lykkedes for dem at sende forkert mad ud til os to gange. Før vi til sidst fik det vi havde bestilt. Den var til gengæld værd at vente på. Smagte rigtig godt.
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I TripAdvisor
22 juli 2024
Vi fandt den hyggelige restaurant Aroma på Gågaden i Nordby: Vi fik en SÅ smagfuld salat med råvarer fra økologiske og lokale avlere. Flot anrettet og toppet med ristet focaccia brød og tyndeskåret oksekød af bedste kvalitet. Smagen holdt "hele vejen ned" i salaten med en god dressing. Ale øl, som blev brygget på stedet. Unik smag, der fristede med et ekstra glas. Vi syntes, vi fandt den bedste cafe på Nordby, Fanø. Professionel servering.
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I TripAdvisor
20 juli 2024
Incredibly fast service and the food was delivered super quickly - we only waited 5 minutes for the food. And the pasta is really recommended
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I Google
09 juli 2024
Simply such a cozy place. The food was top notch and they were so sweet and service minded
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I Google
07 juli 2024

Lignende restauranter i Fanø



08/11/2024: Nice place with good live music ....
20/07/2024: You can only come back here. Nice and friendly service... The cocktails are great and they also add something to nibble on. The atmosphere is really great.

Tre Søstre

02/01/2025: What a wonderfully rustic cafe, with fantastic cookies and drinks. The service is also excellent, it is run by very nice people! Thank you!
28/12/2024: An absolute "must" when in Sønderho, a wide variety of shakes, sandwiches and other delicacies. The employees are extremely friendly and in a good mood, even in the most stressful situations. The prices are reasonable and you can easily pay by card. Be sure to try the iced coffee in summer.

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