You cannot pay with cash here, only with card. Although you have a nice view, the snack bar is very bland. The only toilet has its best days behind it. The tables outside were dirty. If you want it clean, you have to get a rag. You order inside and pick up the things yourself when they are ready and no one forgets to let you know. There is a kind of beeper specifically for this that should indicate this. If you like coffee with milk, you're unfortunately out of luck. There is only milk powder. The whole thing was then torn out of the piece of apple pie. It was small, but still warm and tasty. And the whipped cream went into the coffee. It's a shame that real potential is being wasted here. But the burger 🍔 with fries at the next table looked pretty good. Cost for 2 x coffee with apple cake 98 crowns. That was ok so far.