Restaurant Hvidbjerg Strand Varde


Basado en 281 opiniones encontradas en 2 webs



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hos Varde

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Unfortunately, the Hvidbjerg Strand restaurant didn't convince me. Overall, the food was okay, but it didn't really impress. The dishes were simple and lacked that certain something that you might expect given the prices. The waitresses seemed a bit awkward – not exactly unfriendly, but not particularly warm or attentive either. You can just tell that the feeling for good service that you know from other restaurants is missing here. Overall, I found the price-performance ratio rather disappointing. The prices were simply too high for the quality of the food and service. It may be an occasional option for campground guests, but I personally wouldn't visit the restaurant again.
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I Google
28 oktober 2024
Wir waren mit 6 Personen vor Ort. Wir sind Gäste auf dem Campingplatz und wollten nach einem gelungenen Besuch der Pizzeria letzen Herbst jetzt unbedingt das hauseigene Restaurant ausprobieren. Nachmittags empfahl mir die Mitarbeiterin am Tresen, unbedingt zu reservieren. Abends dann war mehr als genug Platz. Das Restaurant macht einen einladenden und sauberen Eindruck. Die Speisekarte ist ansprechend. Die Umsetzung ist okay. Zum Brot gab es abgepackte Butter, die niemand öffnen konnte. Meine bestellte Cola kam nicht, dafür Wasser zum Wein. Prima. Der Service ist ansonsten ebenfalls prima. Das Essen hat satt gemacht, meine Scholle kam sehr knusprig und fad, mit sehr mehliger Dillsauce. 2 Tage vorher hatte ich meine Scholle in der Einkaufsstrasse von Blåvand in excellenter Qualität bekommen. Das Essen hier kam da überhaupt nicht ran. Es gab ausserdem durchschnittliche Schnitzel, Burger und Kindergerichte.
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I TripAdvisor
07 oktober 2024
After spending several days traveling through Lower Saxony, I was endlessly grateful for this incredibly good, delicious food. Fish and meat were perfect, the vegetables were cooked...great. In addition, a very nice service... when I asked, they even conjured up a good, off-dry Palatinate wine from somewhere and quickly declared it to be a "house wine". A warmest recommendation for good food.
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I Google
05 september 2024
Wir haben zu dritt ein Abendessen inkl Wein genossen. Das Essen war sehr fein. Preis - Leistung passte. Die Bedienung war sehr freundlich. Das Ambiente schön. Es hat uns gefallen. Vom Restaurant sind es nur wenige Schritte bis ans Meer mit grossen Sandstrand.
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I TripAdvisor
27 august 2024
The food was very good and the staff was very friendly. A nice dinner!
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I Google
26 august 2024
The food was reasonably good, but the place is too cafeteria-like
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I Google
17 august 2024
We had dinner here. There was a very tasty shrimp cocktail and finger food beforehand. For the main course we ate the Hvidjberg burger. Everything was fresh and very tasty. No pre-made burger patties but made from fresh ground beef. The service was friendly and served us nicely.
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I Google
11 august 2024

Lignende restauranter i Varde


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09/11/2024: Nice atmosphere, with German hits and the food was very tasty. We had the beer garden burger and the spare ribs which were incredibly tasty.
05/11/2024: Absolutely fantastic food, super special home-brewed beer, brewed on site, and just a cozy place to be, highly recommended...

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03/02/2025: Nice location, close to the beach. There is plenty to do even on rainy days, great swimming pool, play paradise, etc. Shops in the nearby village.
21/01/2025: We spent a week here over the Christmas holidays. The park is very quiet and orderly. Swimming pool is very nice, you are expected to shower naked before and after, ladies and gentlemen are separated. Nice craft club and a nice indoor play area, outside also looked nice but the weather was not nice to play outside. About a 10 minute drive we were at the North Sea and about an hour's drive we were at Legoland. We were in house 142 A and it was just neat and clean and everything was just neat. You can do your shopping in the village, about a 5-minute drive away, where there are several supermarkets. Denmark is a bit more expensive than the Netherlands, so we were happy that we had brought a lot of food with us.

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