Restaurant Pizzeria Valentino Fanø


Basado en 11 opiniones encontradas en 1 webs


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hos Fanø

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Google 11 6.6
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Many of the reviews written about the "Valentino" are outrageous and are based on the fact that the (German) guest demands a lot of performance for little money. If I choose a restaurant where I pay 99 DKK for a buffet, which is not 14 euros, then I CANNOT expect high-quality food, especially since the drinks also have a moderate price-performance ratio for Denmark. OF COURSE I have a completely different and differently seasoned goulash on the table at home, the pizza is usually hotter, the fries are crunchier (a fundamental problem with a buffet) and the ribs are softer... but everyone has different tastes. So... Based on the price, the buffet is quite extensive and the food is tasty. If you criticize the composition (spaghetti on the one hand, ribs on the other), then the buffet menu displayed outside will already tell you what you can expect. So when I call Valentino a "low-budget restaurant" it is in no way an insult but almost an accolade. In short: Buffet is absolutely okay at this low price for Fanø, even if there is still a lot of room for improvement. However, the price would then be difficult to maintain!
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08 august 2023

Lignende restauranter i Fanø

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11/02/2024: The picture of the starter speaks for itself, our visit to the Embassy on Fanø was the usual, really delicious food where all the senses are activated. Thank you for a lovely evening.
08/12/2023: En tallerkenanrettet, lidt twistet julemenu. Vi købte en, viste det sig, rigtig udmærket riesling dertil. Hyggeligt sted og venlig betjening. Vi fik en lille kande postevand til vinen. Det viste sig at være “vand ad libitum”, også selvom den ikke blev genopfyldt og kostede 48 kr - lige fresh nok, syn’s jeg. Vi kunne godt have været foruden jordskokke komposten, den komplimenterede overhovedet ikke de tynde skiver røget inderlår af “Bertels gris”.

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